Countrywide Day of Action to Support Better Working Conditions for Amazon Employees

On July 7, 2021 Teamsters across Canada gathered in almost all major cities at Amazon locations to show their support for Amazon employees in the constant struggle for better working conditions. Local 362 was active in Edmonton, Alberta and we were enthused by the warm reception and the willingness to communicate the issues they face on a day to day basis within their workplace. For that, we are grateful and are looking forward to building further relationships and educate Amazon employees on how the Teamsters can help them achieve fairness, safety and gain a voice within their workplace.

We also had some of Local 362’s very own Rank and File Members come out to show their support for Amazon employees plight and no better way than to hear how being a Member of the Teamsters helped improve their work and personal lives. A special thanks to Sister Susan Kutz (Garda Aviation Services – Edmonton International Airport), Brother Carlos Urbina (UPS – Edmonton) who by the way helped to change a flat tire for an Amazon employee; plus the Members of Local 362’s Constructions Division who helped share their Teamsters cheer: Gord McCabe, Brad Gillard, and Curtis Diggin. As well as Brother Rick Eichel (Teamsters Canada) who lent a hand and an ear in the activities.

If you are a Member of Local 362 and would like to show your support for Amazon Employees at the next rally, please send an email to

For any questions on how we could help you in your workplace, please feel free to reach out to Stacy Tulp at: 403-259-4608 *all inquiries will be kept strictly confidential*

In Solidarity

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